About Greenway Innovations

Rehrig Containers
Medical Waste Containers

Greenway uses Rehrig containers that were designed by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals. Our containers are rated by the DOT as PGII and are registered as a FDA approved medical device. Greenways product offering includes: sharps, regulated medical waste (RMW), chemotherapy, non-hazardous and hazardous pharmaceuticals.

Greenway Cleaning Equipment
State of the Art Cleaning and Processing

Greenway uses state of the art equipment to robotically decant the reusable sharps containers. Once decanted the containers are moved to a tunnel washer with 3 wash cycles and a drying chamber. Greenway's new technology uses less energy than traditional processing and the containers can be reused up to 600 times, saving enormous amounts of plastic going into our landfills.

Greenway Truck
Pickup and Service

Greenway prides itself in professional on-time pickups to ensure your medical waste is picked up in a timely manner and par levels are maintained onsite.

Compliance Logos

Greenway offers personalized training modules to assure compliance including but not limited to:

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • HIPPA *
  • D.O.T.
  • OSHA

Accounting Computer

Greenway is one of the first medical waste companies in the US to use cloud based software eliminating paper manifests for regulated medical waste. Greenway allows its customers to access their information from any computer or smart device. Greenway has also revolutionized the invoicing process for their customers by reducing the quantity of invoices by up to 90%.